Industry Applications
    and Product Data:
    External Mold Releases:
The products shown on our website are just a sampling of hundreds of products that we manufacture. If you don't see what you need, contact us. Chances are we already have a product that is just right. If not, we can custom formulate a product to meet your exact requirements. Before making your final product selection, we strongly advise that you contact an Axel's Technical Service Representatives at 800-332-AXEL or 718-672-8300 for expert guidance, and a free sample of the solution that is perfect for you.
Product Number
W-4005 promotes smooth surfaces; withstands processing up to 800F/426C
21RM solvent-based release for high temperature molding
All Axel products are formulated from raw materials that comply with chemical substance inventory lists of TSCA, DSL, MITI, EINECS, Australia, and Korea.